
Dr. Philip has worked as a Pastoral Care Practitioner over the past 4 years, working in a non-denomination and multi-faith capacity to deliver emotional support to patients and families dealing with: grief and loss, spirituality and meaning, adjusting to change, palliative care and end stage of life.  

Dr. Philip is also a graduate of medicine, and provides holistic support to clients dealing with mental health challenges.

Dr. Philip's mission is to raise the consciousness of humanity through the philosophy of unconditional love.

Dr. Philip's book, The Simple Truth, teaches simple principles that can be used to guide you deeper into understanding God's love and achieve inner peace.

I love serving people because to offer a hand to another is an act of love. This is my mission and is something I believe all communities across the globe need to do for each other in order to progress the human race.

When communities come together, they become stronger, more united, we grow as a society, we're better able to utilise our strengths and vision, and together contribute towards a more resilient economy. Through service to one another, we can treat each other with dignity and respect that upholds human rights.

I have been involved with OLH since 2015 and in my time with them I've witnessed transformation. The organisation is about educating, empowering, and upskilling people. OLH provides education, expanding awareness through different methods of coaching, workshops and retreats that really bring people from all walks of life to a place where they are able to culturally move past their conditions and create purpose in their lives.